Jaimie Waititi
Jaimie Waititi (ia, he, she, they) (Te Whanau a Apanui, Ngati Porou, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, with French Canadian, American, Norwegian ancestors).
Jaimie is a multi-disciplinary artist, art producer and curator with affiliations to FAFSWAG, Aotearoa SaVĀge K’lub and Te Kapua Studios. Growing up on the East Coast (Te Whanau a Apanui) in a farming and fishing family; Jaimie’s art often explores social politics of small communities, community structure and representation interwoven with the politics of working culture. Most recently, these works were exhibited in the National Gallery of Australia for Te Paepae Aora’i, ImagiNATIVE for Alteration and Nā Te Ārai. Ko Mahu for Auckland Pride 2024. Outside of their art practice Jaimie also Produces artists and Art collectives through their business entity Te Kapua Studios, recently producing for Louie Zalk-Neale for the Courtenay Place Lightboxes, Aotearoa SaVAge K’lub for Mimosa House in London and recently co-producing the Pacific Sisters for the 24th Biennale of Sydney. Jaimie is also working part-time as the Exhibition’s Coordinator at Toi Pōneke Arts Centre.